Travel Nurse: Change of Shift

Change of Shift is up at Nurse Ratched's Place. Get over there and read all of the saucy details in this Harlequin Romance version of CoF. How apropos for a Valentine's Day theme.

This year I have a slightly jaded view of Valentine's Day. Maybe more on what brought this about later. In the tone of someone with such a jaded view I offer this little aside. Every year my husband wishes me "Happy VD" on Valentine's Day. He thinks he's funny. Not something that would put any sane woman in the mood for romance. Even if he did get me roses and chocolates. But this year his little "humorous" greeting will be even less funny than usual as I have had two patients in the latter stages of AIDS on my last two shifts (not something usually addressed in Romance novels).

Both of them contracted the disease via unprotected sex. At least that is what they told the day shift nurse. One of them appears to be an IV drug user too; but why lie about how you got AIDS when you're as close to the end as he is. Both seem to be at peace with their situations. Their families are devastated!

Their stories are so depressing it is hard to know how to finish this post. Sometimes there is just nothing else to say. I am about to peruse through some of my favorite blogs. Maybe they will lighten my mood. I apologize if this post puts a damper on your upcoming Valentine's Day!